
Explore My News,
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Hey everyone, I have something new that I’m doing with this post.  My cousin’s wife, Brittany, otherwise known by our family as a cousin-in-love, has a heart and passion for Haiti.  She has had the opportunity to travel there a number of times.  I always looked up to my cousin, Brad, both literally and figuratively (he’s well over 6 feet tall…how two people of such different heights came from the same gene pool is beyond me!) and Brittany is every bit as incredible of a person.  I love her perseverance in chasing after the Lord and am thrilled to have the chance to share with you something that she is so excited about.  I asked her to write about her experience and explain some of the things that we in America can do to help the people of Haiti.  Check out her story!


My cousin, Brad, is the tall individual on the left, and Brittany is the beautiful blonde in the front right. 
What parents are crazy enough to take their 7th grade child out of school for 3 weeks to take a family missions trip to Haiti? That’s right, mine. My name is Brittany, I am Casey’s cousin’s wife. She and I share a passion for missions and when she heard about this campaign for Haiti, she thought it would be awesome if I shared something on her blog about it to help spread the word even further! 
My passion for missions began on that trip to Haiti and through multiple other trips to places around the US, Bolivia and the Dominican Republic.  Out of all the places I had been serving Jesus, I always felt called back to Haiti. The people  there are so in need of love and the children’s smiles are so contagious. I can’t count how many trips I have made to Haiti, the longest being 9 months, serving as an English teacher. On each trip I learn something new about myself, about God and about Haiti. 
This summer I was able to go to a completely different place and serve with a group of people that were mostly strangers. We served alongside Jephthe Lucien in a small town called Pignon, in the mountains of Haiti.  During this trip I got to see the many ways that the Lord is using Jephthe to minister to the people of Haiti and even how he ministers to the American teams that come down to serve with him. He is the most humble, genuine and grateful person I have ever met. His love for Jesus is overflowing and it is clearly seen by all who come into contact with him.  When I heard that he was running for president after much fasting and prayer, I have to admit, I was skeptical. I thought that he was doing such awesome things in Pignon and that if he was president those things would end. The more I spoke with him and prayed for him, the more the Lord opened my eyes to the impact that this could have on the entire country of Haiti.  Not only could the Lord use Jephthe in Pignon, but he could use him to influence the entire government and country of Haiti. It took a little while, but I whole-heartedly jumped on board and am excited about this amazing opportunity. Below is more information about the campaign to raise funds to help this wonderful Haitian man become president of Haiti, please prayerfully consider sharing this with friends and family!

Change Haiti for a Dollar

What comes to mind when you hear the word Haiti? A hurting, third-world country? Starving children eating cookies made from mud? A giant earthquake leaving thousands devastated and orphaned?

Haiti has a speacial place in the hearts of countless of American churches. Missions teams have spent thousands of dollars and extensive amounts of time taking trips to serve in this hurting country. I’m sure you or someone you know is closely involved in helping this country. 

A Haitian missionary by the name of Jephthe Lucien is running for president of Haiti. Jephthe was raised in Haiti and grew up in poverty, with a father who walked 40 miles every weekend to bring him and his siblings food. By the grace of God Jephthe was able to come to America and get a Masters in Pastoral Ministry from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. In 1996 he chose to return to his hurting country as a pastor in his hometown, Pignon. He now serves as the president of Jerusalem Baptist Mission, which includes 117 churches and 25 schools.

I’m sure you guys can start to imagine all this would mean for Haiti if a Christian God-fearing man became president. I cannot fathom all the ways the Lord would use Him! Anyways, this is a real thing. He is in the top 10 of 46 candidates! He has a real chance! But we need your help! All of Jephthes financial income is going  directly to His churches, leaving him with little money for this campaign. We believe that God has called Jephthe to run for president, we also believe that Jephthe is a God-fearing, God-honoring man, who is seeking out the Lord’s will with every decsion. We are excited for all the ways the Lord could use this man if he were to become president of Haiti. To read more about Jephthe you can go to – Change Haiti for a Dollar- on facebook- and read more about his plans and vision for Haiti as a country.  Jephthes primary goal is to make the Lords name known and we want to fully support him in this.

On AUGUST 30th we are going to attempt to get 5 million Christians, to donate $1 each. This is a pretty minimal investment in big dream. We need your help prior to this big day though. 

We first and foremost covet your prayers for this campaign. We believe firmly in the power of prayer. We ask that you pray with us that whether Jephthe wins or loses that the name of the Lord will be glorified and lifted high. We want to be praying for protection for Jephthe and his family during  these next couple months. And we pray that Jephthe continues to seek the Lord and draw closer to Him during this campaign. Ultimately, we pray that if it be the Lords will, that Jephthe win and  with the Lords guidance can change the fate of an entire country. God is doing big things here, in this country, in these people, and this is just the beginning. I plead with you, to get behind this.

Secondly, we need your help to spread the word! 5 million people is a lot of people. However in a nation where  76% of our population claim to be Christians this should be simple. In the next couple weeks we will be sharing videos we made of Jephthe, blogs, pictures and posts on all social media. We would love it if you would share this with the church you call home and support our brother in Christ. If you could get up on stage and share about this opportunity I would be happy to send you videos or media regarding this campaign for change. If you are interested and would like to continue to be involved please email me at [email protected].