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Unchanging love.

I’ve heard this before. God’s love for us is unchanging. It’s even a lyric in one of my favorite songs: “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing.” We can do nothing to earn or lose His love. We simply have it.

For some reason today, while I was sitting on the roof of Zion Cafe & Hostel, a place that many World Racers have stayed for ministry (and decorated) listening to “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing,” I was struck by this line:

Praise the mount

I’m fixed upon it

Mount of Thy unchanging love

Some versions of the song have varying lyrics, but that was what I heard today. While I’ve listened to this song so many times, this business about unchanging love finally sunk in. The Lord and I have been talking about what it means to be His bride for going on a year now. It’s been some of the coolest revelations of His character that I’ve ever had. I’m not married, however, I have heard a number of people, especially those who have been married for a long time, talk about how the love they have for their spouse has grown daily throughout their marriage. 

God’s love is unchanging.

What that means is that His love is on full blast. That switch is flipped to on. There is no dimmer on this light bulb, we are cranked to complete brightness. 

And yet, our entire walk with the Lord is about becoming more like His son. He gently (and sometimes more aggressively when we need it), molds, guides, refines, and encourages us in our growth. Meanwhile, we were born into a complete covering of His love. 

He does not need to learn to love us more with each day and His love does not grow daily. His love is as big as it gets for us exactly where we are right now. We’re His bride, and while we hopefully will grow throughout our entire lives, His love is consistent. I love experiencing new revelations of the depth of His love for us. It never gets old. 

Unchanging love. Mind blown.