I’m about to go on this squad leading journey, but before I do, I wanted to take the time to reflect on an incredible experience that I had this summer.
Life is full of surprises and unexpected gifts. My most recent example was brought to me in the form of a trip to Swaziland for the month of July with 12 high school women and a co-leader. I truly believe the Lord looked down on all 14 of us, thought to Himself that it would be important for our paths to cross, and decided that Swaziland was the place to be. There are countless stories of Him showing up in amazing ways over the course of that month, but the biggest place I saw Him was in the women that surrounded me. I’d like you to meet them (in no particular order):
Bernadette: This picture perfectly captures what being in relationship with this hilarious individual looks like. To know Bernadette is to laugh and see the world for its good humor, including bucket hats. Make sure you don’t let that humor fool you into thinking she can’t be serious because this girl is a prayer warrior and someone who has an influence that creates a culture just by her being who she is.
Hannah: Do you enjoy hugs? Are you drawn to people with compassionate hearts? Is your favorite word love? The wonderful lady in this picture fits all of those characteristics and then some. I’ve never encountered someone who chooses to love someone with the purity of heart that Hannah does, and what’s more incredible is that she does it so simply. A hug, a smile, a note…she loves well. This picture of us cracks me up because it represents our personalities so well.
Molly: Lover of coffee, hiking, and the color green, this girl is someone you want around. She is a lionheart enthusiast (ask her about it), has wisdom beyond her years, and has an eye for awesome photo opportunities. Her DNA was wired with an extra dose of extraordinary, and it will be amazing to see how the Lord uses her in life. Seriously, watch out world, Molly is coming!
Harper: If you want to know what it looks like to be a good friend, stop your search because Harper is your girl. She has an incredible ability to connect because she is willing to just be with people whether they are laughing, crying, engaged in some goofy activity, or in a deep discussion. Not only that, but she’s also quite artistic, though she probably wouldn’t want me to share that with you. She is though, ask her about it!
Jacque: With both the singing and praying voice of an angel, this girl carries a deep peace. Being in her presence puts others at ease and time seems to slow down a little bit. She is a big picture, free spirit kind of girl and it shows up in how she spends time with people. There is no agenda with Miss Jacque. It was a gift to be unwinding after a long day of ministry and hear her singing and playing the ukulele. Her musical ability changes atmospheres.
Shannon: This girl. She has a deep desire to understanding the world and how all of the parts fit together. In particular, she likes to figure people out and does so by asking questions. If you want to get to know Shannon and her passions, sit with her a while and let her think and ask all of the questions that are going through her brain. Wanting to gain understanding also propels her to seek the Lord with such pure passion. Don’t let all of this fool you into thinking she’s serious all the time! This girl has a goofy side too.
Carrie: I can honestly say that I’ve never met someone who has more country pride. Carrie is from Canada and don’t you forget it! It was fitting that she was our only Canadian because she marches to the beat of her own drum. Carrie is fearless when it comes to being unique and that desire allows others to step fully into their own quirky selves as well. This girl is going to bring freedom and light to some dark places. Watch out world, she’s coming!
Sierra: This lovely lady is a truth-seeker. If something does not feel quite right to her, she will not willingly accept it as truth until she’s asked the questions and gotten a solid, biblical explanation. In fact, she loves questions in general. While she seeks to understand, she also constantly wants to be growing in her relationship with the Lord. She is such an encouraging person to be around and is unashamed to call out the positive qualities in the people around her that might now always be mentioned. To be around Sierra is to grow in understanding and to feel encouraged.
Miranda: If you want to find a way to connect with Miranda, movement is how you’ll find her. She is not one to sit still for long, but it pushes her to serve others so well. Miranda is not someone who demands attention and she is willing to do some of the less desirable tasks (like cleaning the kitchen) to love the people around her. Miranda carries a wisdom and a connection with the Lord that goes deeper than most can understand.
Courtney: This lady has such a sweetness. Her enthusiasm and investment in the team brought such a genuine connection for all of us. She so clearly hears from the Lord and it was a gift to watch that understanding develop in her even for a month. Big things are coming for her. She does not demand attention, but I always walk away from conversations with her feeling uplifted and like life is a little more fun. Also, she has a great giggle.
Noelle: Depth and wisdom. Those are two words that describe Noelle. She is the quiet observer in the room, but when she speaks, people listen because her comments carry such incredible insight. After hearing her story, she is one of the bravest believers her age (and maybe just in general), that I’ve ever met. Also, she is quirky and it is one of the best things about her. The names of some of the rooms in our lodging and our bus came from her creative mind. The room she lived in? Zola Gerald. Ha, what a treat!
Caroline: With the strong desire to help others, paired with her intellect and heart for the nations, I cannot wait to see where this lady ends up. She is always willing to listen and talk through the challenges that others are going through. On the flip side, she is learning to be vulnerable and share what’s going on in her world with others and that changes the climate of her relationships. She likes reading and writing, and it would not surprise me if she wrote a book one day.
Emily: My delightful co-leader. This picture kind of describes our relationship. While we had to spend a good deal of time discussing logistical items, we also had a lot of goofy times in our room. I could not have asked for more in a co-leader. Emily carries gentleness, peace, a listening ear, the willingness to do the hard thing, and silliness. Her heart is for Asia, but I’m so glad that the Lord called her to Swaziland with me for the month. To know Emily is to have life be a little brighter.
So there you have it. The Lord invited me to co-lead this trip and have the privilege of being part of the work He was doing in the lives of these absolutely stunning and incredible world changers with big dreams.
I was blown away.